
Capturing Moments and Creative Performances




How do you balance a visual identity for a Cleveland photographer that focuses on both young children and high school seniors, as well as a nationally acclaimed rock band named Mr. Speed?

Featured in several Cleveland galleries and publications, Karen Menyhart is a local art teacher who loves teaching children and adults alike the art of photography—and rocking out with local music. She’s creative, inspiring and fun.

KMP_MrSpeed_300x200When she came to Gilmore Branding and Design for help creating a visual identity for her new company, the project was just too exciting to pass up.

The project included:

  • Abbreviated category research and aesthetic audit
  • Brand positioning, architecture and design theme development
  • Initial brandmark concepts
  • Master logo and alternative brandmarks
  • Finalized artwork for collateral materials

Initial Competitive Audit


Design Theme Development


Initial ConceptsKMP_Logos1