
In-Store Observations and Perspectives

Love it or leave it, shopping for groceries is a chore. Navigating endless store aisles and countless shelves of products is at times a maze of packaging, promotion and prices. But how does the shopper see the store?

How can a marketer learn to best navigate the store?

Well before they step foot in a retail store, today’s consumers have at their disposal limitless information. Bombarded with marketing communication from the moment they wake in the morning, consumers must make a conscious choice on how to filter these messages—often interpreting only what is wanted. As traditional advertising methods have become more and more fragmented and specific, communicating a marketing message has become more difficult than ever.

The retail environment may represent the strongest voice in a marketer’s communication toolbox. Understanding this environment as the shopper sees the store has become more important than ever.

Recognizing the importance of understanding the retail environment, StoreVenture™ was developed as an ongoing methodology, to better understand the ever-changing sea of products and brands. By routinely conducting store visits with a variety of retailers, a better understanding is developed of the fluidity of branded and promotional communication, competitive pressures on these  brands, as well as overall retail marketing trends.